Friday, July 25, 2008


"Manikadave stream as seen from the new culvert ..........................................................................................................................................................................
For the last two days,Manikadave is getting "karkkidaka mazha".

last tributes

Edathil Kunjettan's wife Aleykkuttichedaththi and Poothottam Kuttichettan passed away last week. AAdaraanjalikal.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Mr.Mathew J Parackattu (Pappachan),passed away this morning at about 5am. He was a veteran Congress I leader of the Ulickal Panchayat and a social worker. Also he was the leading figure in the efforts to get an aided High School for Manikadave.
Muzhuvan manikkadavukaarkkum vendi aadaraanjalikal.